The Writer Update: Kid

I fought with myself about this one.

This entire blog is about the writer who reads, not the writer who writes. If I wanted to post about writing I would have to make a Writer Who Writes blog.

I had that “intelligent” thought and kept my writerly updates to myself and my 200 or so Facebook friends for months. Then, one day—today, ten minutes ago—I decided, as the Writer Who reads who hasn’t read a whole book in months, that nobody needs two blogs (read: no one has time) and that, really, I needed to post something on this blog before it gets stashed under a Vine compilation, tucked behind a meme, swallowed by the rest of the internet, and forgotten altogether.

Now lets get to the juice.

Back in March I got word that my flash fiction piece “Kid” was going to be published in the Crack the Spine online journal. It would also be considered for print later in the year. I bounced around (embarrassingly excited) until it was published in April. I think a lot of my excitement was actually shock, a why the hell are they publishing this and not that kind of feeling.

I can’t count how many rejections I’ve gotten for my ultra time-consuming short stories and novels that have been edited, rewritten, edited, and prayed over (joking…maybe). Yet this little two page story that I wrote on a whim—in less than an hour—beat out the others?

I know what you’re thinking: Shut up and be happy. So I’m going to shut up and, I promise, I’m happy.


Read “Kid” here.

Expect a book review soon.

Be happy too.